Date: Mon, Jan 20, 2014
Hello family!
That is such an awesome story that Mont told! I love hearing stories like that! The gospel is alot easier to preach when you live it.
Well I hope you got my itinerary by now, our secretary sent it monday to dad's email.
Sounds like you guys are very busy. I like being busy too! Today starts my last transfer on my mission. Yesterday our mission president was talking to the new missionaries about how at the end of their missions, he wants to hear them say, president, i did the best that i could. and how it is very sad to see a missionary go home with feelings that he didn't do his best.
I have been thinking about that alot and i am willing to do my BEST this last transfer to end strong!
I know that the Lord stills has lots that He wants me to do these last six weeks that i have left.
Sunday we had some great investigators at church. I am impressed with the faith of many of the investigators we have. We are teaching two families who have a few dificulties in their relationships. But sunday, even with some of the problems they were having, the two wives took their kids to church and are doing what they can to improve their lives. I admire their example and I feel so grateful for the family I have and for being born in the gospel. It is pretty hard for people ot change thier lives and become members of the church and leave behind them their old traditions, But it is worth it and has lasting effects on future generations.
Well I love you all and I hope you have a great week.
Elder Smith